Naoshima Island Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery, etc. Part 1


I live in Japan, and I will introduce you to some of the tourist attractions in Japan in a slightly deeper way(I am currently studying English, so I hope you will warm your heart to me.)

Now let’s get to the main text.

In late June, when the weather was gradually getting hotter and hotter, I was feeling somewhat unmotivated in my daily life. I wanted to go somewhere for a change, and happened to come across an article about Naoshima.

I happened to come across an article about Naoshima, which was filled with the rich nature and creative art of the island, and it seemed like an oasis to me.

In my elation, before I knew it, I had booked a flight to Takamatsu for one week later.

After landing at Takamatsu Airport, I rushed to catch a bus.(There is a bus from Takamatsu Airport to Takamatsu Port.:

The reason for this was that if I missed the bus to Takamatsu Port, the bus to Naoshima would be three hours later.(Ships to Naoshima depart from Uno Port in Okayama Prefecture and Takamatsu Port in Kagawa Prefecture.For more information, click here.:

Soon I arrived at my destination, Miyaura Port, while looking at the scenery of the island outside.

As I arrived on the island, I was excited!

Because I was greeted by the island’s unique atmosphere and wonderful art, which gave me a new feeling that I had never felt in Tokyo before.

After enjoying the art and atmosphere of Miyaura Harbor, I was about to rent a bicycle to head to the Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery. Unfortunately, the weather was so bad that it was raining on and off, so I gave up the idea of renting a bicycle and decided to walk to the gallery while taking in the scenery.

As we walked, we were greeted by magnificent nature that cannot be seen in the city.

After walking for about 40 minutes, we were able to reach Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery, Gallery of Time (reservations required for those not staying at Benesse House:

To be honest, I was exhausted.

Upon entering the Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery, the space gradually darkened as one descended the stairs, transforming into a mysterious space that served as a strong reminder that this was an extraordinary space.

Before I knew it, I was drawn into the world of the paintings and the sheer energy of the paintings.

I was greatly surprised to learn that the power of a painting can be brought out so much more depending on where it is exhibited.

In the dark environment, with only the photographs illuminated by a bluish-white light, it seemed to engulf me and make me lose track of time.

I felt this was a collaboration of advanced architecture and art by Hiroshi Sugimoto himself, whose work is on exhibit, and the New Materials Research Institute, headed by Hiroshi Sugimoto, which designed the refurbished building.

There is a stylish cafe inside the gallery, where I was served tea and sweets.

The tea tasting was exceptional as it was in the beautiful surroundings.

(Tea and sweets are included for those who purchase online ticket.)

When I stepped outside, I was greeted by a mysterious tea house in the nature. I was struck with a strange sensation as though I had visited some imaginary world.

This glass tea house, named “Mondorian,” has been exhibited in Venice, Versailles, and Kyoto, and finally ended up in Naoshima.

I, agree that this tea house is best suited to be exhibited in Naoshima, a place with rich nature and quietness, and I felt that Naoshima was the most appropriate place for it to end.

As I walked down the cool concrete corridor, I came to an exit door.

The Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery Toki no Kairo (Corridor of Time) seemed like a wonderful museum that would bring new insights to even someone like me who had no interest in art.

In the second part of this report, I will introduce some of the art and museums on display on Naoshima, as well as a new bathhouse that has never existed before.


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